visual identity
visual identity
Logo design
How do we create something unique?
We start with your thought, and end up with our idea, with just a little bit abstract
Shape above the letters is a actual shape of the four star hotel. It’s uniqueness is incorporated in the logo, and it is one of the kind.
Extending to the resturant business, and following the same greek temathic, and shape of the object. Vertical lines above letters are in the exact same proportion as the pillons of the restaurant.
Emblem consists of the two “M” letters overlapping each other, but the upper part before the “cut“ are the mountains, and the bottom is the reflection in the sea. On the top is the diamond as a luxury element.
Abstract logo for the foundation for kids with special needs.Ablem is a person giving a heart. This was a donation.
This logo is for English school with a clear book in the “O“ sign, and very easy to apply.
Real estate company selling luxury estates. Letters are shaped to reflect a dream.
software that is connecting multiple segments in the tourism industry. Inspiration is a colalition of proton particles.
Job scouting company.We managed to incorporate open door in the letter “D” to reflect this company policy.
Printing paper brand. based in Dubai.
Playful logo for the culinary school.
Airplaine handling and landing company.
Wood processing company with saw in the front as they are doing mostly with raw matherial.
Water drilling company.
Club 88 with lights in the number 8, as an asociation of the disco lights.
Archiving company.
Brand identity style guide
Be clear how your logo is about to apply
In this case we use geomethrical shapes to form a logo guilines.
Circles represents progress, and synergy, and overlapping squares creates arrow.
Story elements
Branding requiers more than a logo
If we create story together, we can create insiration for wonderful side elements that wil enrich
your brand, phisical
space, and stay as a long lasting story with tradition.
Interior design thematic
Inspired by greek mythology
For Hotel Philia we have created surreal photo manipulation with various characters. This is
Diskobol (Discobolus).